NFPA 70E 2018
NFPA 70E 2018 — new 2018 human performance requirements — Training and Implementation
NFPA 70E “Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace” has significant changes and updates for its 2018 version. The new standard places an emphasis on controlling risk from both shock hazards and arc-flash hazards. When controlling risk, the 2018 regulation now requires that a specific hierarchy of controls be followed. Another new requirement is that the potential for human error be considered in all risk assessments. Annex Q has been added to help explain how human performance can be applied to workplace electrical safety. Required elements of electrical safety programs have been revised to now include:
- written job safety plan;
- job briefing;
- inspection of equipment;
- incident investigation;
- risk assessment; and,
- human performance.
ASA will guide your understanding and compliance with NFPA 70E 2018 requirements.