
Tom Harvey Wows Audiences at Back-to-Back Safety-Conference Presentations

July 26, 2023

Tom Harvey took Texas by storm last month. He hit the road to the Lonestar state to present at a couple of safety conferences to enlighten audiences about the missing link in many safety programs – the lack of focus on organizational weakness as a contributing factor to issues deemed as human error. His eye-opening presentation – “The Missing Link in Human and Organizational Performance: Mitigating Organizational Weaknesses That Set People Up to Fail” – was made at the ASSP Professional Development Conference “Safety 2023” in San Antonio on June 7, followed by the Texas Chemical Council (TCC) EHS Seminar on June 8 in Galveston. Audiences enjoyed his lively presentation style, along with his no-holds-barred message that needs to be heard but is often ignored, many telling him that his presentation was the best one they attended at the conference.

A PDF of the presentation is available upon request.