
Leading Metrics—Proactive Safety, Human and Organizational Performance Self-Assessment Model (SHOPSA)

Allied Safety has developed a powerful, proactive leading-indicator assessment tool. ASA’s Safety, Human and Organizational Performance Self-Assessment Model (SHOPSA) is a proactive, multi-level evaluation of all 52 systems of safety excellence. The evaluation begins with a Level 1 assessment of the 8 Pillars of HOP, thus giving a rapid aggregate status of critical building blocks. Level 2 and 3 assessments provide a more comprehensive and explicit evaluation of all 52 elements.

Benefits and Value Add

  • Accurate, knowledge-and-experience-based appraisal that delivers teaching, learning, and growing benefits at every level;
  • Assessment is administered interactively with ASA instructors, live or via video;
  • Internal subject matter experts and safety champions are developed as they learn how to assess the attributes of safety excellence;
  • Strengths and weaknesses are identified—growth strategies are self-evident during the assessment as the “continuum of improvement” is understood;
  • Metrics are generated in clear charts and graphs showing high-level overviews with ability to drill down into specific details.
More than just an assessment—a roadmap for your
“Journey to Safety Excellence”!