
Safety Leadership and Management

Where objectives align, management of safety is synergized with other business disciplines. Otherwise, separate and distinct recognition of safety considerations is warranted. Executives engage formal and informal leaders to drive out organizational weakness by demonstrating success attributes.

  1. Value of Safety (Culture). Safety is a corporate value, embedded into the organizational culture. A bold safety philosophy is communicated, understood, and visibly demonstrated throughout the corporation. Words of commitment are seen in action. Parties who conflict this value are called out and diminished, openly.
  2. Regulatory Compliance is professionally managed and given top business priority. Written programs are in place, practical, and followed. High standards are established and are not compromised.
  3. Champions/SME – call them advisors, captains, subject matter experts (SME), or other designation, but they are natural leaders who serve as points-of-contact for safety and HOP guidance. Being designated as such is a reward for stepping up as an advocate for good, and a catalyst for HOP progress.
  4. Executive Engagement – Executive support and engagement goes without question. These leaders want to help, but often don’t know what works, sometimes hurting the cause. Executive time is premium time, so high-impact activity like Plus/Delta Field Calls, strong accountability involvement, and driving HOP application into all business interactions work best.
  5. Supervisory Support – Measures of safety and HOP effectiveness should be taken at the front-line leadership level—where plans are put into action. Both formal and informal leaders need supportive focus and attention to meet the wide demands expected of them.
  6. Alignment Across Organization – cross-sectional continuity is maintained within the organizational hierarchy. Total inclusion ensures line, staff, executive, and interdepartmental groups exchange lessons learned from operating experience. Accountability processes and learning structures leverage one group’s success into widespread gains, stemming weak performance where evidenced in other groups.