
Effective Communication

The Lifeblood of Safety, and Success

Communication of the safety message is planned and heard. Feedback is sought to confirm understanding, agreement, and that desired outcomes happen. “Speak Up; Listen Up” Coaching skills are widespread and drive improvement.

  1. Coaching—Speak Up/Listen Up every person openly accepting their responsibility for being ready, willing, and able to give and accept constructive feedback. Pledging to never condone that which is knowingly wrong
  2. Plus/Delta – reinforcing positives/changing weakness into strength; an over-riding philosophy that success and goodness dominates, while the hunt is always on to find where gains can be made. An insatiable drive to improve is ever-present. Success is understood so that it can be leveraged to improve areas of weakness.
  3. Techniques
    Seek to understand, and to be understood. What does the recipient need to succeed? Depending on criticality, use appropriate techniques – three-part communication, phonetic alphabet, speak up/listen up. Confirm understanding and agreement.
  4. Turnover – effectively communicating status of all activity while transferring work from one group to another so that risk levels remain stable.