ASA HOP – 8 Pillars
Allied Safety Associates – Human and Organizational Performance (ASA HOP) process is the master strategy and nexus of ASA. ASA HOP is a comprehensive and holistic safety excellence system consisting of 8 Pillars and 44 Elements.
Understanding of these 8 Pillars and 44 Elements is requisite to improve in safety. Mastery of these 52 systems will guarantee safety and performance excellence. A broad array of knowledge and skills is covered by the 52 systems, including:
- error traps that increase risk,
- organizational system weaknesses that increase the risk of human error and adverse events,
- well-defined error prevention tools that control risks,
- techniques and methods that identify and close organizational gaps, and
- safe lifestyles away from work that power workplace safety.
8 PILLARS of ASA – Human and Organizational Performance (HOP)
Risk Assessment and Control
On a primal level, success in life is assessing and controlling risks. It requires understanding the 3 Components of Risk:
Organizational Systems—Exposure to Hazards—Actions of People
Focus first on Organizational Systems—if they are less than optimal humans are set up to fail. ASA HOP defines 20 Error Traps that increase risks, and 10 powerful Error-Prevention Tools that mitigate risks. Acceptable levels of Risk Tolerance must be determined, acknowledged, and controlled. Risk and tolerance levels are determined by probability, severity, detectability, and correctability. ASA teaches to align with human nature—to not fight against it. An ever-present situational awareness must consciously be maintained using Dynamic Risk Assessment Tools. -
Design / Engineering / Planning
Begin with the end in mind, by asking “what does success on this project look like?”. Slow down to speed up! Pay the upfront price or suffer from a weak plan later. All stakeholders are involved and agree on reasonable time frames.
Work Practices
Policies and procedures that make sense are in place, properly administered, and consistently followed. Stakeholders optimize human and organizational performance principles, tools, error traps, and methods.
Training and Learning
Adult training is robust; adults learn and perform better. The company learns from operating experience, driving process-focused innovations. Safety system deficiencies are strengthened, growing the culture of safety.
Effective Communication
Communication of the safety message is planned and heard. Feedback is sought to verify understanding and agreement. “Speak Up; Listen Up” skills define Coaching.
Assertive Accountability
Accountability systems are in effect to ensure expectations are clear, authority is appropriate, and consequences reinforce objectives. Auditing activities proactively assess how employees are influenced by organizational behavior.
Family-Driven Safety Values
People value their families above all else, including their jobs. Because they are far more likely to be seriously injured off-the-job, promoting family-focused safe lifestyles reaps powerful benefits on-the-job.
Safety Leadership and Management
Where objectives align, management of safety is synergized with other business disciplines. Otherwise, separate and distinct recognition of safety considerations is warranted. Executives engage formal and informal leaders to drive out organizational weakness by demonstrating success attributes.